Feature Ideas

  1. West results on Occupancy report

    Please can we have the option to add AON/COMMS/EDLS initial WEST assessment results added to the 'select columns' when running an occupancy report?

    Sera L
    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  2. Registration request

    Hello, Would it be possible to have an indication on the Learner objectives if the registration for that objective has been requested? On Vision 1 there would be a little R, to show that it had been requested by the tutor/assessor. It would save IQA's requesting the registration again. Thanks

    #Improvement 👍


  3. overall attendance %

    can there be the learners over all attendance since being on programme like there was on vision 1

    Neil E


  4. Attendance Approval/AA Tool

    Could you implement the AA tool and attendance approval tool?

    Dean F
    #Improvement 👍#New feature


  5. Notification of events added to learners

    Can we have a notification if anybody has added events to any of our learners?

    Charlotte Z
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Learner Attendance - Digital Sign in

    Hiya Could we have a page for learners to sign in to centres etc with their pin please,to replace the current microsoft forms - this will enable a pin validation and avoid many of the mistakes we have at the moment.

    Dean F
    #Improvement 👍#New feature


  7. Learners attendance

    When carrying out audits on traineeships I need to be able to see attendance like on Vision 1. Please can this be added in.

    Sarah S
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Learner search needs more information to identify the correct learner

    When searching for a learner by name multiple learners come up with the same name but no information to identify the correct learner without clicking into each one. If we were to receive a spreadsheet from a sub-contractor containing the learner name, dob and start date, with minimal information to Identify the learner may prove difficult and time consuming if we were to come across a well used name. I believe that adding more details to the learner search would be much more efficient from an operations side of things. Maybe adding a small tab button on each learner so that when we hover or click it opens up a summary of the learners details such as ULI, DOB, Centre, route, start date, end date, National insurance etc. I understand that if I click the learners name I can then view some of this information but imagine having to do this if there are 15-20 learners with the same name.

    Stacey C


  9. narrow down ALN review reports to be accessed

    aln /als reviews can only be pulled on vision and not in vision 2. please can reports for ALS be accessed and allow to narrow down with ALS learners along with reviews due. Thanks

    Sazzia Ali A
    #Improvement 👍#New feature


  10. Unregistered learners report

    Could assessors have a report that shows, without needing to open each learner 1 by 1, a list of learners that are not registered for their main qual? (In an ideal world also anyone not registered for their frameworks ESQs, appreciate this will differ by route / learner depending on APL but I thought I'd ask!)

    Laura C


  11. Placement Employer filter on Occupancy report please

    Please can we have a filter for placement employer(employer) on the occupancy report so we can view placements. Thanks

    Rhian C
    #Improvement 👍



    All JGW+ Learners undergo a screening assessment/screening tool in order to "RAG Rate" their support/learning needs. This rag rating system determines the level of support they require and whether they are assigned to a Learning Coaches' occupancy, in order to receive a higher level of support. Learners are RAG rated by their potential barriers/support needs. GREEN- NO ADDITIONAL SUPPORT REQUIRED AMBER- REQUIRES MONITORING/WORKING WITH LEARNING COACH WHEN REQUIRED RED-HIGH SUPPORT NEEDS-WORKING DIRECTLY WITH LEARNING COACH This data needs to be recorded onto vision and a report be available, this will allow the JGW+ Management team to pull this report and analyse the data. We need to be able to see how many learners we have in each bracket of the rag rating system in order to track progress of learner and review/manage occupancies and caseloads of learner coaches. I foresee this report being utilised frequently within JGW+ as this data is important in monitoring progress and the needs of our learners.

    Bethany Kate C


  13. Quicker way of accessing records for Pre-Start Meeting

    Is there a way, from the screen shot I've attached, of accessing the learner record without having to search. I have to track these learners on a daily basis and having to go back an forth, from the list to searching is a little time consuming, especially in busy period. Thanks.

    Julie B


  14. Amazing

    I just want to say, Vision 2 is FANTASTIC!!!! you never get booted out, information is easy to find and I have updated sample plans in over half the time. Thanks

    Helen T


  15. Closing of events on vision

    Some events on vision are used as a tracking system to events that need actioning. Can you please add a "date signed off" to any events that include Audits, 8 week terms, early leavers, deletion requests and transfer requests. There may be more but that's all I can think of at the moment!

    Sarah S
    #Improvement 👍
